Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day #4 and some Valentines

Day #4 is a habit I have and I wish I didn't. Well, since it is the New Year I posted my New Years Resolutions and thought about this very seriously. My first bad habit is FOOD! I really wish that I had better control over it. I am learning but geesh it is really difficult. Another would be money spending. A good thing comes from a bad thing and since Steven has been out of work for over 2 years and then this last summer I was laid off, I have really had to learn to control my spending. I am still struggling.... but getting better everyday! Finally, gossiping and saying mean stuff. I don't know why I do... but I do. I have been working on this for the last few years and have gotten a lot better, but still need to keep myself in check. Ok so on with the more fun stuff. Thanks for listening (or reading actually) I don't journal in a book, so I also do this blog for a memorabilia for my children. I think it is good for our children to know our struggles, temptations, and failures.

Here are some cards that I have been making. I REALLY LOVE the stamp set Season of Friendship #111776 $23.95 This card can be used for pretty much any occasion and it is so stinking cute!

These next two are made with a wonderful oldie but goodie... LOVE YOU MUCH # 113756 $25.95
We also went to Apple Bees tonight for a Fundraiser dinner and then over to the Art Museum to see Savannah's Art Work that she made at school. We also took our neighbor, Grant, with us. They are in the same class. One night a year they display all the students artwork in the Art Museum. It is so neat.... they get all excited and name their pieces and talk about selling them for $1,000,000,000. So cute!
Thanks for stamping by!

Savannah's Art Piece "AMAZE"
Grant's Art Piece "GRANT"

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