Saturday, July 7, 2012


SU! Cup of tea- retired- really old- $10

7 sets SU! all retired $50- or individual prices listed before

6 SU! retired sets $40 or individual prices below

5 SU! sets reired $30 or individual prices below
CUP OF TEA- $10 -Really old- pending

Holiday blocks- Brand new- $7

Best of Cluck- $10

Stipple Celebrations- $10

Perfect Party - $10

Wisecracks- Brand new- $15- pending

Happy- $7

Darling Dots- $5

Fresh Cuts- $7

Little Layers- $7

All about U- $10

Christmas Greetings- Brand New $7

Occasionally- Brand New$10

Sweet of you- Brand New- $10

Simply said- $10

Cool Cat- Brand new- $10

Just my type- $7

Fun and Fast notes- $12

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